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The Value of a Managed Service Provider

Value of an MSP

Enterprises of all sizes depend on technology to operate and grow their business. The challenge with technology is that it is complicated, it is constantly changing and is difficult to scale. It takes enormous talent and resources to successfully implement, operate, maintain and repair. 

To successfully leverage technology to achieve desired results, businesses need access to the expertise to understand problems, the experience to design appropriate solutions, and the capacity to execute at scale. They also need to be flexible to adapt to changing market conditions.

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) serve a multitude of customers and bring credible operational experience that comes from repeated success at executing technology initiatives across a variety of industries and business structures. They understand the strengths and weaknesses of each technology and know the particulars of when and how to apply a technology for optimal results.

MSPs not only bring experience, they also bring extensive resources that an in-house team might not have access to. An MSP’s technology and operational resources can focus on addressing current business issues, with one eye toward future business needs and emerging technologies.

By engaging with an MSP, enterprises can supplement their internal resources at all phases of a technology initiative.

  • During the investigative phase, the MSP provides subject matter experts who understand pain points of the industry and can suggest initial solutions for consideration.

  • During the testing phase, the MSP can provide best practices to efficiently evaluate the proposed solutions.

  • During the selection process, the MSP can share operational considerations as well as total cost of ownership insights. Once a solution has been chosen, the MSP can provide proven execution templates which may be customized to address the individual business needs.

  • And, during the implementation phase, the MSP bears the responsibility for success across the entire network, enabling the retailer to focus their limited internal resources where they may make the most difference.

  • Once installed, the MSP operates, maintains, and proactively monitors and troubleshoots the solution as needed.

Regardless of where your business may be in your technology journey, an experienced MSP can help accelerate your network, improve the time for technology deployment and manage complex implementations. Learn more about HughesON™ Managed Services.

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