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Back-charge Policy

Back-charge Policy

Enclosed within this guide are inbound routing pages that specify which carriers to use for shipments to all HUGHES® locations. There are two pages, one representing each facility (Maryland and San Diego). For all shipments, make sure that you locate the page that represents the Hughes facility you are shipping to and follow all corresponding instructions

All non-conformances to the routing guide will be brought to the attention of the Hughes Buyer and then transmitted to the supplier. If the problem continues, the Hughes logistics department will inform the buyer that all freight charges are to be back-charged. The Hughes logistics department will then send the freight bill back to the carrier with instructions to collect payment from the shipper. This information will then be transmitted to the supplier. Freight will continue to be back-charged until the problem is corrected.

This routing guide is changed on a regular basis depending on a multitude of factors. This routing guide will be formally issued on a semi-annual basis, every February and August. It is the supplier's responsibility to have the most current routing guide in their possession.
