Harris Ruggedized BGAN Terminal
Reliable voice and wideband data connectivity for beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS), SATCOM-on-the-move (SOTM), and SATCOM-on-the-quick-halt (SOQH) applications.
These high-performance satellite solutions provide reliable voice and wideband data connectivity for beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS), SATCOM-on-the-move (SOTM), and SATCOM-on-the-quick-halt (SOQH) applications. The RF-7800B systems fulfill the critical BGAN Network (Click to enlarge)need for higher bandwidth communications than are available today and are the only integrated MIL-rugged systems capable of seamlessly maintaining net connectivity of mobile tactical users across extended battlespace.
The commercially available BGAN SATCOM spectrum (L-Band) utilizes the Inmarsat-4 constellation, providing wideband data throughput (up to 492 kbps). With a fully integrated RF-7800B and Harris Falcon III® Multiband Radio turnkey system, the RF-7800B BGAN terminals enhance an already highly integrated tactical radio networking capability.
RF-7800B-DU Land Portable BGAN Terminal
- Small, Class 2 BGAN terminal for SATCOM-on-the-Quick-Halt at the dismount level, or fixed-site applications
- Optional audible setting provides steering tones/signal strength
- Data rates up to 432 kpbs
- Meets MIL-STD-810F for rugged environmental requirements
- Ability to extend Falcon III® wideband encrypted data BLOS
RF-7800B-VU Land Mobile SOTM BGAN Terminal
- Class 10 SOTM BGAN terminal for vehicular SOTM applications
- Provides continuous satellite tracking and connectivity
- Data rates up to 492 kbps
- Meets MIL-STD-810F for rugged environmental requirements
- Ability to extend Falcon III® wideband encrypted data BLOS
For more information, contact Harris at [email protected] or call 1-888-711-7295. International callers: 321-674-4253; or 321-727-9207.